Tuesday, July 7, 2015

My name is Erica Reese and I currently weigh 249 pounds which is roughly 90 pounds more than what I weighed in college. Which wasn't that long ago. The rapid weight gain hurt all over. My feet, my back, my stomach, my head. I felt and looked terrible. Eventually, I decided to do something about it.

I'm in my fifth week of C25K and counting calories through my fitness pal. I am down 11 pounds from when I started at 260 pounds. My fifth week is starting to get pretty difficult so I thought I'd start a blog to help with accountability. I will be posting my thoughts through out the process, some of my favorite healthy meals, and weight check ins. My goal is to reach 160 pounds in a year. That is 100 pounds over all. Woah! So here we go!

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